ISS - Moon transit

On the 14th of January-2022 the ISS passed the moon disk..

.. at 21h 28min 21sec (MESZ) whereby the Tycho crater was partly covered.

The angular size of the ISS was 61,53 arcsec, The duration of transit takes 0,46 sec on the central line.

The position was the village of Sulzbach/Dasing near Augsburg, Bayern

 Datas from ISS Transit Finder

ISS Mond Transit 2022, by Th Boeckel

ISS Mond Transit 2022, by Th Boeckel

ISS Mond Transit 2022, by Th Boeckel

 Image composit from a movie which was taken with a Sony aIII by ISO 3200  and 1/2000 sec, 25fps on a Zeiss refractor 840/63mm

 using a Baader flattfield converter.


Movie 1080     Movie 1080   slow 

! Because of the short time duration of the ISS transit, the movies are poining out two times the same procedure in series!

Finder datas and support by

ISS Transit Finder

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 ©2022 Photos/Movie & text by Thorsten Boeckel

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