Occultation of Mars on 12/08/22

Brixen / Plose   Italia


Approach of the moon to Mars ca.5.45 CET


The astronomical event began at 6.07 CET about 18° above the horizon with the disappearance of the "Red Planet" behind the moon. At this point the seeing was still reasonably O.K

  Video: Mars entrance 


 left: normal     right: more contrast

  Video:Mars exit  


The exit took place at about 7.03 CET about 9° slack degrees above the horizon. Now the seeing was catastrophic

View from St Andrä / Plose (cable car) over the Königsanger and Kühberg approx. 2400 m.


Construction and comfortable -6C° at the observation point, brrrr. Slight danger of icing during the night!
Nevertheless, unique astronomical impressions were experienced again.

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©2022 photos by Thorsten Boeckel

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