Total eclipse of the sun in Turkey

29th of March 2006, Manavgat und Konya, part 1


While the Baaderteam positioned itself in the mountain world close to Konya, we preferred the coastal region for safety reasons. For one day we searched for an appropriate place in the hill country 15 kilometers northeast from Manavgat (central line). At this place a 60% chance was prognosticated for a successful observation.


The peace apart of the eclipse trouble was very important for us in addition, therefore we selected this position and accepted a shorter time of totality about 10 seconds. Also it is well-known that on sea level the air turbulences can become apparent very disturbing according to the photographs. Already the previous evening an extraordinary good seeing was noticeable during our star observations on our hill.



Quacksalvers of the worst category explained us falsely, that the dangerous and incurable Eclipsolitis was premulating here.


An aperture mask like a camera Obscura let the crescent effect became visible.

By the way Gemma Frisius observed already 1568 with a Camera obscura a solar eclipse.


Light reflexes in the objective from Andreas



While standing not exactly on the central line this point moved 14° to the east side and the last sun beams were shining through a flat moon plain. Observing a pearl sausage was the result.

The diamant ring

(tb)     (bt)    (tb)


While we could photograph the pearl-cord effect moderately, the Baader team made its shots in Konya perfectly. Here the sunlight was shining through the last moon valleys.

to part II

Venustansit 2012 by Boeckelsolar eclipse australia 2012

All eclipses & occultations


©2006 photos by (bt, Baader, Riesch, Rietze)

 ©2006 photos & text by  Th. Boeckel (tb),  Andreas Heidl (ah), and Richard Roscoe (rr), last modification 7.04.2006

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