Total Solar Eclipse 2012 

  North Australia, Cairns 

Photographed from the Outback (Kings Junction), Cape York on 14/11/2012

A.Heidl,  Th.Boeckel,  M.Rietze

With greetings from the spooky outback..... 

Map by 

Since the 24th of Oktober we cruised through Queensland in an intensive astro-outback--tour with a four by four car, whereat the day brought us to majestetic places. But the night was dedicated for the suberb southern sky by cruising through the celestrical beauty with our telescopes. A foretaste to the sun eclipse.

Total sun eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckel    Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckeltb

A bottle tree near the South pole rotation (Queensland, Australia)

Waitomo-Caves Martin Rietze     Waitomo-Caves Martin Rietze     Waitomo-Caves Martin Rietzemr

Cave Astronomy

During our ride in Australia Martin visited the Waitomo-Caves which are unique to New Zealand. Beeing fascinated in majestic places the glow worm, Arachnocampa luminosa resembles to a 'cave astronomy'. Thousands of these tiny luminescent larva radiate their unmistakable light as an celestrial sky on the rocky lava walls. These creatures spin a nest out of silk from the ceiling and then hang down.


But here the real Southern Milky Way...

Much tries to calibrate our telescopes to the celestrial Southpole failed. So, some will ask himself if it is really so hard. Yes it was. The area around the south pole is a very dark zone, and by misty conditions the matching constellation Octans was weak and nearly unvisible through the pole finder. After 5 nights the moon was disturbing. Because of the equadorial closeness in the middle of Cape York, the pole height was falling down to 12°. Again bad. Near Chillagoe  the pole climbed 7° again, and three nights before the solar eclipse it was extremely clear. Now it was childs play. But try it by yourself, you will be astonished.....

..... with its jewels 

Total sun eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckel    Total sun eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckel    Total sun eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckeltb

Left: Large Magellanic cloud   Middle: Tarantula Nebula (NGC 2070 or 30 Doradus) inside the Large Magellanic cloud

Right: Small Magelanic cloud with the globular cluster 47 Tucanae (NGC 104)

Total sun eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckel    Total sun eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckel    Total sun eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckeltb

Left: Carina Nebula System   Middle: Omega Centauri (Biggest globular cluster) Right: Carina Nebula System

Fascinating the southern Milkyway appeared with the neon tube effect very strong. Despite of the high temperatures (~30°C at midnight) some acceptable photos were exposed. But it doesn't matter if you choosed three minutes with ASA 800, or six minutes with ASA 400. There was nearly no differences in digital noising on the chip.

Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckell   Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckeltb

Tall and extraterristical shape of the termite constructions (up to 3m) gave the eclipse place a special shape.

Why not Cairns? Two weeks before we observed the clouds at the Wet-Tropic-coast. Always during the time of the totality a wall of clouds was moving over the sea reliably in the sight height between 5° and 20° degrees. This cloud phobia pushed us on the 14th of November 200 km far into the outback. This place seemed save for our observation. (Map up).

Solar eclipse 2012 Australia Martin Rietzemr Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckel    Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckeltb

The beginning phase seen from Palmer Ville (mr) and Kings Junction

 Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckel     Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckel     Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckeltb

Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckeltb

Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckel     Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckeltb

Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by A. Heidlah  Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckeltb

Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckel    Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckeltb

Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckeltb

Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckeltb    Total solar eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by A. Heidlah

Solar eclipse 2012 Australia Martin Rietzemr

The total eclipse phase seen from Kings Junction and Palmer Ville (Martin)


Total sun eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckel      Total sun eclipse, Australia Cairns 2012, by Th. Boeckel

The astro outback after the eclipse


The sun eclipse hype in the Cairns Post Newspaper.


 The morning edition was sold out in Cairns in every store at 10 am.

But fortunately we discovered that the editorial office was across the street of our shopping mall. Let's go and ask for the fresh afternoon edition... :-)

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 ©2012 photos& text by Thorsten Boeckel (tb),  ©2012 photos by Andreas Heidl (ah),  ©2012 photos by Martin Rietze (mr)

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