Total moon eclipse  

28th of September 2015, Passo del Stelvio, South Tyrol-Italia

M. Rietze, Th. Boeckel


This moon eclipse  was announced as a "Supermoon". That means that the average of the visual appearance was 14% bigger than usual. Our position in ca. 2700m osl. at the Passo del Stelvio, made the view absolute clear. So it seemed that we had an extremely illuminated landscape. The snow coverage of the environment amplified this brightness so far. Vice versa the totality seemed very dark and during the eclipse the star arena appeared very powerfull. Nearly like new moon. -phantastic. Even the back coming moonlight gave us the impression like a solar eclipse.

The beginning of this moon eclipse started with the 2nd contact at 3:07 MESZ by entering the earth shadow.

The totality (3rd contact) started at 4:11 MESZ. The end of the totality (4th contact) at 5:23 MESZ.

The exit of the earth shadow (5th contact) cold already be observed in the dawn at 6:27 MESZ

  Total moon eclipse 28th of  Sept. 2015, by Boeckel   

 In this composit you can see the moon disk passing completely! the earth shadow in a time of 3:20 hours


Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo       

And here red Supermoon


Our astro-place in 2700m osl. and the snowy region around the Passo del Stelvio


Venustansit 2012 by Boeckelsolar eclipse australia 2012

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 ©2015 photos& text by Thorsten Boeckel (tb)

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